

Blackstone, N.T., Benoit Norris, C., Robbins, T., Jackson, B., and Decker Sparks, J.L. (2021). Risk of forced labour embedded in the US fruit and vegetable supply. Nature Food, 2(9), 692-699. 

Boyd, D.S., Perrat, B., Li, X., Jackson, B., Landman, T., Ling, F., Bales, K., Choi-Fitzpatrick, A., Goulding, J., Marsh, S., and Foody, G.M. (2021). Informing action for United Nations SDG target 8.7 and interdependent SDGs: Examining modern slavery from space. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1-14. 

Decker Sparks, J.L., Boyd, D.S., Jackson, B., Ives, C.D., and Bales, K. (2021). Growing evidence of the interconnections between modern slavery, environmental degradation, and climate change. One Earth, 4(2), 181-191. 

Jackson, B., Boyd, D.S., Ives, C.D., Decker Sparks, J.L., Foody, G.M., Marsh, S. and Bales, K. (2020). Remote sensing of fish-processing in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest, Bangladesh: An insight into the modern slavery-environment nexus in the coastal fringe. Maritime Studies, 19(4), 429-444.

Jackson, B., and Decker Sparks, J.L. (2020). Ending slavery by decarbonisation? Exploring the nexus of modern slavery, deforestation, and climate change action via REDD+. Energy Research & Social Science, 69, 101610. 

Jackson, B., Decker Sparks, J.L., Brown, C., and Boyd, D.S. (2020). Understanding the co-occurrence of tree loss and modern slavery to improve efficacy of conservation actions and policies. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(5), e183. 

Jackson, B., Bales, K., Owen, S., Wardlaw, J. and Boyd, D.S. (2018). Analysing Slavery through Satellite Technology: How Remote Sensing Could Revolutionise Data Collection to Help End Modern Slavery. Journal of Modern Slavery, 4 (2), 169-199.

Boyd, D.S., Jackson, B., Wardlaw, J., Foody, G.M., Marsh, S., and Bales, K. (2018). Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 142, 380-388.


Jackson, B., Brotherton, V., Blackstone, N.T., and Decker Sparks, J.L. (2021). Modern slavery, environmental degradation and climate change: present and future pathways for addressing the nexus. Rights Lab, University of Nottingham.
